Sunday, March 25, 2012

Well Hello There!

I registered this blog a few weeks ago and have found a million excuses to put off writing my first post. I wish I had a custom design, a proper camera, basically all of the essentials that I feel other successful blogs have. Well…reality slapped me in the face and all of those things cost money. If I wait until I have enough money to upgrade this baby right out of the gate, I’ll never actually write anything worth reading and that’s sort of key when you’re creating a blog…right? Right.

So…writing first. Then I’ll make this thing look gooood.

Ok. All of that nonsense being said…HELLO! And welcome to my Happy Hours! My name is Kate and I’ll be taking care of you. This is where I’ll be documenting all of the things that fill my happiest hours of life. If you came here looking for the best happy hour deals in your city, I’m sorry to disappoint you. But I do hope you’ll relax, stay awhile and get a good buzz off the laughter I’ll be bringing you (tip:that buzz will come faster if you read this with a drink in hand…it’s how I’ll be writing it from time to time.) 

The ABC’s of me below were picked up by some of my favorite bloggers, who I’m sure I’ll be introducing you to in the near future. Enjoy!
Age: 25.
Bedsize: Queen.
Chores that you hate: Cleaning the bathroom.
Dogs: None of my own yet.
Essential start to your day: Warm lemon water with coconut oil melted in (I promise to write a post on the benefits.)
Favorite color: Royal Blue.
Gold or Silver: I’ve recently fallen in love with gold.
Height: 5’8.
Instruments you play: I barely play the piano, but want to take up lessons again.
Job title: Marketing and Events Coordinator.
Kids: Yes, I would like some…someday.
Live: San Diego, CA.
Mother’s Name: Mom
Nicknames: Katiegirl, KatieMac, KMac
Overnight hospital stays: Never! Knock on wood.
Pet peeves: Hypocrites.
Quote from a movie or tv show: Oh I can’t pick just one. I quote my favorites often, so I’m sure you’ll get plenty of that.
Right or Lefty: Right.
Siblings: 3 Brothers. 2 Older. 1 Younger. (It’s super fun to bring guys home to meet the fam)
Time you wake up: Ooo I’m an earlybird…the obnoxious kind that occasionally gets up at 4:30am to workout.
Underwear: Victoria’s Secret Lacie Line.
Vegetable you hate: Peas. Oh, and mushrooms are not my favorite.
What makes you run late: I hate to be late. It gives me anxiety.
X-Rays You’ve Had: Do my teeth count?
Yummy food you make: I love to bake and recently started loving to cook, so I’ll be sharing plenty of my yummy food here.
Zoo Animal: Toucans..they’re at the zoo right? I haven’t been in awhile.


  1. Just wanted to say hi! I randomly came across your blog and laughed at your post where you celebrated having 3 followers. Well, now you have another new one! I feel the same way. I celebrate every new person - and now I have a whole whopping TEN! (Half of which are family. Sad.)

    I totally felt the same way when I set up my blog a couple months ago. I was feeling pretty decent about how it looked, and then I saw other people's and my confidence instantly deflated. But half those people have degrees in web design and are photographers, right? (at least that is what I tell myself!)

    Welcome to the blogging world! And good luck saving up for that design upgrade. ;)

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for following and I'm glad someone got a chuckle out of that post. You have 11 followers now. : ) Our Blessed Nest is such a cute name. Love it. And your family is just adorable.

      I'm so glad I'm not the only one who celebrates each new reader and was a little intimidated by all of the experienced bloggers out there. That will be us in no time though.

      Thanks for the welcome and kind words. Have a great week!
