Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wine Filled Weekend

I discovered that I'm really good at taking a in one...of something I want to write a post about and then not only do I not document the rest of the recipe or adventure, but I also don't actually get around to writing about it. Blog Fail. I think I'm going to have to practice a little more dedication if I plan on making this something worth reading.
BUT, I'm here now. and I'm writing. and I have a very fun weekend to tell you about.
As soon as I got off of work on Friday, a happy hour was thrown at my house where 3 of us downed 3 bottles of wine.
See em there? 1,2,3. That's a bottle of wine each. Now, I don't know about you, but I can pound vodka sodas until the cows come home and never feel a thing (okay I eventually feel it, I'm not invincible). But wine, for whatever reason, goes straight to my head. 2 glasses and I should probably stop. An entire bottle? And you get to know drunk Kate real well. She's loud, more sarcastic, laughs a ton and says plenty of not-so-intelligent comments. She was out in full force last Friday night (did the Katy Perry song just pop into anyone else's head?) We had fun though. The night was full of drunk kate's tears laughter.

You'd think that'd be enough wine for one weekend, right? Any normal person would have learned their lesson from the pounding headache the next morning. But noooo. I like to learn the hard way. So, my friend (one of those bottles up there was hers) and I found ourselves at Danza Del Sol Winery in Temecula at 11am the following morning. Two thoughts are probably running through your head right now. 1) This girl has issues. or 2) What the hell were they thinking? Trust me, I was thinking both that morning. But, LivingSocial said this was our last chance to use our coupon so, what's a girl to do? Skip out on a discount? I think not! Must. Drink. More. Wine. 
I now COMPLETELY understand the term "hair of the dog." It works! After our first taste, the shakes and headaches were gone and we were able to enjoy a pretty interesting tour of the winery. I wish I had taken more pictures, but there were two really obnoxious wine know-it-alls snapping away and asking questions non-stop. I felt like I would have gotten grouped in with them if I had pulled out my phone to take my own photos and I sort of have a crush on the tour guide so I was trying to play it cool. Don't worry though, we had such a good time there (read: I have such a crush on the tour guide), we joined the Wine Club and I'll be going back there many times (stalker?). If you're ever in Temecula, I highly recommend this place. Pack a picnic, pay $10 to taste 5 different, but all delicious, wines, buy a bottle of your favorite and hit the patio (I spent 4 hours doing this exact activity). It's beautiful. You're surrounded by fountains and on Saturdays, they have a live musician. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday. 

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