Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Body Overhaul: The Perfect Follow Up

Yesterday, I posted all about the body overhaul I'm starting. 
And in perfect, the-universe-has-aligned, timing...THIS post landed in my reader one day after I declared my commitment. 

If you're not familiar with Ryan Holiday , I suggest you change that ASAP. He doesn't post on a daily (or sometimes even weekly) basis, but when he does, it's always the swift kick in the ass I need to maintain or regain motivation.

"No matter how small or big the goal: You must commit and then start."

Now please, do yourself a favor and read this, then commit, then start. 
Even if it's just one step. 


  1. this is a wonderful concept! especially since my food blogging has SERIOUSLY increased my waistline. and im poor so i cant really join a gym (because id rather spend money on food). OH the dilemmas haha

    1. You and me both, lady. Don't even worry...I'm poor too and I've found boatloads of FREE workouts so we'll still have our lunch/dinner/fro yo money : ) Let's face it...I am not about to give up eating out just because I'm tryin to whittle the middle. I like it too much!

      Thanks for following!!
