Monday, December 3, 2012

Never Give Up

This video dang near brought me to tears and I had to share it right away. Two lessons here:  

1. Never Give Up. If you want something bad enough, don't let anyone tell you that you
    can't have it. Then, pursue it wholeheartedly until you've achieved it. No excuses. 

2. It's never too late to start changing your life for the better. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Things, they are achangin...

From here
Clearly, there have been some major changes around here. New title, new focus, a blog transformation if you will. 

I took a long break from writing on here mostly because I moved to Texas, which is the biggest step outside my comfort zone I have EVER taken, and also because I realized that my blog was not me. It was me trying to be like all of the other blogs I read and admire. And this is just not okay. 

So, I settled into my new life in Austin, TX, read Blog, Inc. to learn from some of the best and started again. Kate Be Fit is the result of a newfound clarity. You'll get the gist of the new focus for this blog in the blurb by my photo. I hope you'll join me in my journey to ultimate health! 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Facing the Truth

Look. If I'm gonna be serious about this Body Overhaul, it's important that I get real clear about where I'm starting. I am thoroughly embarrassed and terrified to reveal the pictures, but I know that it's going to feel incredible when I start making progress. 
I promise to crack a smile in the next ones. 


Annnnd I'm mortified, but you know what? This is real life...with no makeup, no tan, no sucking in my stomach so it looks a little flatter. This is my starting point in all its chubby glory. It's not pretty and neither are the habits I formed to get to this point. 

The good news? It's all about to change. 

Stay tuned for my Body Overhaul: Day 1!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Body Overhaul: The Perfect Follow Up

Yesterday, I posted all about the body overhaul I'm starting. 
And in perfect, the-universe-has-aligned, timing...THIS post landed in my reader one day after I declared my commitment. 

If you're not familiar with Ryan Holiday , I suggest you change that ASAP. He doesn't post on a daily (or sometimes even weekly) basis, but when he does, it's always the swift kick in the ass I need to maintain or regain motivation.

"No matter how small or big the goal: You must commit and then start."

Now please, do yourself a favor and read this, then commit, then start. 
Even if it's just one step. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Body Overhaul

As usual, the dreaded swimsuit season is upon us and as usual, I'm not as confident as I'd like to be when it comes to tyin on the bikini and hittin the beach. The difference this year, though? I've had ENOUGH. And finally... I'm more motivated than ever to do something about it.  

I've struggled with my weight since high school. As a kid, I was very active and participated in 3 sports so the junk food I was guzzling never showed up in cellulite or belly bulge. But by junior year of high school, I was down to only one sport and that just wasn't enough to combat all of the calories I was taking in. 

I graduated as the chubby one of my friends (hard to tell with the robe, but it's true).

When college rolled around, I was overcome with the stress of being completely out of my comfort zone. Food was something that made me feel better and alcohol made me forget my insecurities. So, I ate...a lot, and when I went to parties, I drank up that liquid courage. 
Chipmunk Cheeks

Freshman 15? Pssshh...I packed that on and then some. By the end of my Freshman year, I weighed 175 lbs. Now, I know in the scheme of stories like this one, some of you may scoff at that and tell me to quit bitchin. But, at my age and height (5'8), I am at my healthiest and feeling my best between 135 and 145 lbs. Setting numbers aside, I went from being an athlete to having zero endurance and very little muscle mass. The realization of this was more upsetting than what the scale read. I was unhealthy and lacked confidence. 

I fell into a cycle of going home for the summer, losing a few pounds, then gaining it all back by the time the fall semester was over. And this cycle has continued well past college. I have tried just about every diet and some have worked temporarily, but for many reasons, mostly my own lack of discipline, I failed at each one.

And then I read this book, by Rich Roll. A man, who at age 40, found himself overweight, unhappy and on the brink of very serious health issues, when he decided that he, too, had had enough. He is now considered one of the fittest men in the world and my inspiration.  

My philosophy is simple and maybe a little cliché: As far as I know, I've been given one life. And I plan to spend it helping others, taking on every adventure, absorbing every great experience and filling my hours with as many happy moments as possible. To do that, I cannot be worried about, or tied down by, health or self-esteem issues that are well within my control. Not to mention the fact that there is an athlete somewhere deep inside that I'd like to meet again. So, I am going to spend a short amount of time getting healthy so that I can spend a much, much longer amount of time dedicating myself to what really matters. 

And I plan to take you with me on the entire journey. I can't guarantee that it will be pretty or that I won't slip sometimes, but what I will promise is full disclosure on the process, the dirty details of what's working and what's not AND before and after photos. My hope is to help even just one other person overcome his or her own weight issues. And, if you're already happy with your body, then maybe the dedication I apply to achieving my goal will inspire you to tackle a different challenge or accomplish a different goal. 

Let the body overhaul begin! 


Monday, June 18, 2012

Man Bouquet

I think I talk about Pinterest in just about every post I write, so it should come as no surprise that when the time came to get my Dad something for Father's Day...I stole someone's awesome idea from a board and got crafty. 

If you haven't seen this gift yet, get excited. Your Dad, boyfriend, husband, any man (and actually most of my lady friends too) will LOVE this. You should have seen my Dad's face when I brought it to him. 
Pure joy. 

I give you...the MAN BOUQUET.

A flower pot filled with a few of my Dad's favorite things. 

And it could not be easier to put together. 
Here's what you need: 
Sorry. That didn't come out very well. 
Terracotta Pot
Styrofoam Ball
Thin, Wood Sticks or Skewers
Tissue Paper
Receiver's Favorite Candy, Mini Liquor Bottles, Cigars, Etc. 
Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks

Step 1
Shave down your styrofoam ball so that it fits nicely into the pot.

Step 2
Layer tissue paper underneath styrofoam ball and then cover the top of the ball with another layer. Pull out the corners of the paper and style however you'd like. In hindsight, I would use different colors of paper to make this look prettier. 

Step 3
Using your note glue gun, connect sticks (which I broke into different sized pieces) to each item. Some of the liquor bottles were glass and pretty heavy for such a thin stick, so use as much glue as necessary to make it hold. I made sure the sticks were glued on almost the entire length of each item for added support. 

Step 4
Now the fun part! Insert each stick into your covered styrofoam however you'd like! 
I had so much fun putting this together and it could not have been easier. My Dad was so excited when he saw it that he immediately took a picture to show his friends at work. 

I know it's called the Man Bouquet, but the best part about this is you can do it for just about anyone and vary the items based on whoever is receiving it. 
Go nuts! 

If you end up making this, PLEASE share with me.
 I would LOVE to see what you come up with! 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wino Weekend

A few short posts ago (seeing as I haven't written many), I talked about becoming a wine club member at the cutest little winery in Temecula, Danza Del Sol. Well, our first shipment arrived and Bestie and I decided to celebrate by taking my dear Mama Rose on a tasting adventure... 

Complete with a surprise horse encounter. They were SUPER friendly...I mean look at one of them gettin' fresh and nuzzling my breastesses! It was the perfect Saturday and we had the best time. 

Oh, I should also let you know that I am rockin' a hot new OPI Gelcolor, Pink Flamenco. Did I mention my mom is a nail technician? I am spoiled with a fresh mani/pedi every other week...for free. If you haven't experienced Shellac or OPI's Gelcolor yet, I suggest jumpin' on that train immediately. You'll never go back to regular polish again. This stuff stays chip free for weeks! 
Hot new nails and a hot new ring Mama Rose picked up for me at a trunk show. 
 What did YOU do this weekend? 

Friday, May 18, 2012

25 Miles, 1 Flat Tire, 1 Sore Ass

It's Bike To Work Day 2012!

I happen to work for a company that manufactures a bicycle component, so it is necessary, as the Marketing and Events Coordinator, that I not only generate excitement around BTW Day, but also participate. So...I did.

I met my boss at his home in North County and away went on a 25 mile, mostly gorgeous ocean view bike ride. If the sense of accomplishment I feel right now fades away, the soreness in my rear end will surely remind me for the next several days.

Jeffrey, our in house counsel, Me, and Bossman.

The best parts of today? I used zero gas to get to work and I got a stellar work out in before I got to the office. I definitely think I'm going to make this a once a week thing.

Hellooooo Weekend!  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Picture from here

You are what you eat
You are what you do
You are what you think
Eat only what makes your bones dense,
your lungs refreshed, your heart steady, and your brain rejuvenated.
Do only what makes you proud daily,
your day meaningful, your efforts productive, and your exertion of energy positively impact others.
Think only what makes you free and your heart light,
identify your darkest fears, and constantly color them with hopes, and create your castle of dreams.
Because there will be a time..
when your bones so strong they will keep your hopes up,
your energy so positive it keeps your heart steady,
and your hopes so meaningful you color life onto others,
then there will be times you get caught up, your creation, your existence, who you are, what you are made of, it becomes so complex you forget, oh you forget, what makes your castle, what is important, why dream, fears, oh I fear, no, no, no, stop, take a deep breath and just focus…..
It’s simple.
I am what I eat.
I am what I do.
I am what I think.
I was on a conference call from work and went to my "Stickies" app to take notes. I don't remember where I found this poem, or who wrote it. But it couldn't have popped up at a better time.

I needed this reminder.

Monday, April 23, 2012

This. Is. Your. Life.

I bought this poster today. 
From Here

I'm sure you've seen it. It's been passed around on Facebook and Pinterest totaling some 50 million views. But I love it. These are the exact rules I try (and sometimes fail at) to live my life by. And in 3-5 business days, it will be on the wall of my bedroom where I can wake up every day and be inspired by its words.

I decided to buy it at the perfect time too. I was driving to work this morning, as I do every Monday - Friday at the same time week in and week out, only today I was more excited than I have been in a long time. Not about anything in particular...just life. I was simply happy and looking forward to some potential opportunities that (fingers crossed) may come up in the next few weeks. Does that ever happen to you? That wave of positive energy bubbling up inside you? Well, with this feeling bursting through me, I realized that

I'm exactly where I need to be right now. 
I've been pushing for these new opportunities and changes to happen right away. I didn't want to wait anymore. I needed everything to happen in my time. I should know better by now, that life just doesn't work that way. My life is full of experiences that happened in the right timing for me, but not necessarily the timing I had hoped for. I've had to learn to be patient and accept that things have and will fall into place just as they should. To finally accept and enjoy where I am right now was liberating. This wave of giddiness rolled through me leaving no room for all of the pressure I've been putting on myself.

Stumbling upon that poster brought everything full circle for me and I fell into this perfect balance of energetic happiness and utter peace inside. Then it dawned on me, these feelings were coming from a place perfectly described in one line on the poster:

"If you don't like something, change it." For a long time, I've wanted to change my circumstances and my environment, but I never took the steps to do anything about it. I only complained about what I wasn't happy with. Recently, though, I've taken the steps necessary to change those circumstances. There's something empowering and invigorating about taking control of your own life. Doing whatever necessary to change what you don't like. I'm doing everything in my power to change what I don't like. And when I feel like I've done all I can, I wait...for that time when the potential opportunity is actualized. Sometimes, that time never comes, but what does come is the realization that not getting something I thought I wanted only left room for what I really needed. Something better than I could have imagined.

I see people around me who are still in the complaining phase. They aren't willing, aren't ready, or don't know what the next step is to change what they don't like. I hope I can set the example and inspire even just one person to take one step today.
After all, what we make of this life is our choice. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Healthy Frittata and Little Victories

I am totally celebrating getting 3 followers this week! Little victories people. I relish in them. 

To my first readers, THANK YOU! You seriously made my week (really...I did a happy dance). If you only knew how terrified I was to actually start writing this thing. I love to's just always been in a journal that no one reads. The fear of sounding like a completely uninteresting dork paralyzed me from starting for quite some time. So, the encouragement of 3 fabulous followers is just what I need as I start this journey. Please feel free to email me and pass along your blog wisdom. 

And now...the frittata. Delicious, healthy, filling, and simple to boot. You'll be making these every weekend once you see how easy it is AND that you can freeze these babies in individual slices then re-heat them for a quick breakfast during the week. I have my morning routine down to a science, so the quicker the breakfast, the better. But I also try to eat healthily and get some protein in the morning. Well, this frittata does the trick.
Sorry. This is the only picture you're getting because I'm new to blogging and realized AFTER the fact that I should have photographed this in steps like the pros do. Lesson learned.

Healthy Breakfast Frittata

Thanks to my mom, who introduced me to this frittata, I make these on a weekly basis. For a single serving meal you can re-heat quickly, just slice the end product into the desired size, individually wrap, and freeze. When you’re ready to eat, remove wrapping and heat for 1-2 minutes or until heated through. Enjoy!

12  Eggs, beaten (1 dozen eggs will serve 6-8 people depending on how big you want your
¼  Cup milk (I use 2%, but you can use whatever you’d like. You need this to add volume)
2   Cups raw spinach
½  Cup shredded cheese (use whatever kind you like. I used cheddar)
1   Small tomato, sliced            
     Salt and pepper to taste

1.     Pre-heat oven to 350°F
2.     Spray your skillet (make sure its oven safe! No melted handles please!) with nonstick cooking spray and place over medium heat.
3.     Add spinach and cover. Cook until wilted, about 2 minutes. Transfer to paper towel to cool. (Hot spinach may cook your eggs)
4.     Let your pan cool slightly (again, so we don’t cook the eggs before it’s time)
5.     Meanwhile, add eggs and milk to a bowl and whisk for about a minute. It’s alllll in the wrist.
6.     Combine egg mixture with cooled spinach, cheese, salt and pepper. Gently mix.
7.     Re-spray pan, if necessary, and pour contents of bowl in. Make sure ingredients have evenly distributed throughout.
8.     Place sliced tomato on top in whatever design your little heart desires.
9.     Bake for about 20 minutes, until lightly brown on top and the edges have started to pull away from the sides on your pan.
10.   Slice, add hot sauce and enjoy!  

Now, this is just a base recipe. Get creative! Throw in bacon, chopped ham, black beans, top it with avocado...that's the beauty of this breakfast. You can change it up every time you make it. Hope you like it as much as I do! 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Cupcakes and an Icing Trick

How Stinkin' Cute Are These?

I've been telling my Grandma that I'd bake her cupcakes for a good 3 weeks now and since she was coming over on Easter, I knew I had to make good on my promise. I'm embarrassed to admit it (b/c I consider myself a baker), but...I cheated on these cupcakes. Big time. Box o' mix, can o' icing. How dare I call myself a baker and then slack on my baked goods! In my defense, I spent 2 days hanging out (read: drinking) with my best friend and that morning we hiked about 5 miles in the middle of an 80 degree day. So, by the time I set out to bake, I was in no mood for it. I'm not even going to list a recipe for this...I'm that ashamed. For these Bird's Nest Cupcakes, I baked the cake according to the box, grabbed some chocolate icing and a bag of Hershey's candy coated chocolate eggs. Bake. Pipe your nest with the largest star tip you can find and top with chocolate eggs.

I will say that it wasn't a total loss. The cupcakes tasted good and I remembered a handy icing trick that a friend found for me on Pinterest.

How is it possible that I never thought of this before? Duh! When you're ready to ice your treats, put your tipped bag into a tall glass, fold the excess at the top over the side of your glass and fill it up with icing. So easy. No mess. and I felt like I got way more icing in there than I do when I hold the bag with my other hands. Happy frosting my friends! and I hope you had a lovely Easter. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wine Filled Weekend

I discovered that I'm really good at taking a in one...of something I want to write a post about and then not only do I not document the rest of the recipe or adventure, but I also don't actually get around to writing about it. Blog Fail. I think I'm going to have to practice a little more dedication if I plan on making this something worth reading.
BUT, I'm here now. and I'm writing. and I have a very fun weekend to tell you about.
As soon as I got off of work on Friday, a happy hour was thrown at my house where 3 of us downed 3 bottles of wine.
See em there? 1,2,3. That's a bottle of wine each. Now, I don't know about you, but I can pound vodka sodas until the cows come home and never feel a thing (okay I eventually feel it, I'm not invincible). But wine, for whatever reason, goes straight to my head. 2 glasses and I should probably stop. An entire bottle? And you get to know drunk Kate real well. She's loud, more sarcastic, laughs a ton and says plenty of not-so-intelligent comments. She was out in full force last Friday night (did the Katy Perry song just pop into anyone else's head?) We had fun though. The night was full of drunk kate's tears laughter.

You'd think that'd be enough wine for one weekend, right? Any normal person would have learned their lesson from the pounding headache the next morning. But noooo. I like to learn the hard way. So, my friend (one of those bottles up there was hers) and I found ourselves at Danza Del Sol Winery in Temecula at 11am the following morning. Two thoughts are probably running through your head right now. 1) This girl has issues. or 2) What the hell were they thinking? Trust me, I was thinking both that morning. But, LivingSocial said this was our last chance to use our coupon so, what's a girl to do? Skip out on a discount? I think not! Must. Drink. More. Wine. 
I now COMPLETELY understand the term "hair of the dog." It works! After our first taste, the shakes and headaches were gone and we were able to enjoy a pretty interesting tour of the winery. I wish I had taken more pictures, but there were two really obnoxious wine know-it-alls snapping away and asking questions non-stop. I felt like I would have gotten grouped in with them if I had pulled out my phone to take my own photos and I sort of have a crush on the tour guide so I was trying to play it cool. Don't worry though, we had such a good time there (read: I have such a crush on the tour guide), we joined the Wine Club and I'll be going back there many times (stalker?). If you're ever in Temecula, I highly recommend this place. Pack a picnic, pay $10 to taste 5 different, but all delicious, wines, buy a bottle of your favorite and hit the patio (I spent 4 hours doing this exact activity). It's beautiful. You're surrounded by fountains and on Saturdays, they have a live musician. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Well Hello There!

I registered this blog a few weeks ago and have found a million excuses to put off writing my first post. I wish I had a custom design, a proper camera, basically all of the essentials that I feel other successful blogs have. Well…reality slapped me in the face and all of those things cost money. If I wait until I have enough money to upgrade this baby right out of the gate, I’ll never actually write anything worth reading and that’s sort of key when you’re creating a blog…right? Right.

So…writing first. Then I’ll make this thing look gooood.

Ok. All of that nonsense being said…HELLO! And welcome to my Happy Hours! My name is Kate and I’ll be taking care of you. This is where I’ll be documenting all of the things that fill my happiest hours of life. If you came here looking for the best happy hour deals in your city, I’m sorry to disappoint you. But I do hope you’ll relax, stay awhile and get a good buzz off the laughter I’ll be bringing you (tip:that buzz will come faster if you read this with a drink in hand…it’s how I’ll be writing it from time to time.) 

The ABC’s of me below were picked up by some of my favorite bloggers, who I’m sure I’ll be introducing you to in the near future. Enjoy!
Age: 25.
Bedsize: Queen.
Chores that you hate: Cleaning the bathroom.
Dogs: None of my own yet.
Essential start to your day: Warm lemon water with coconut oil melted in (I promise to write a post on the benefits.)
Favorite color: Royal Blue.
Gold or Silver: I’ve recently fallen in love with gold.
Height: 5’8.
Instruments you play: I barely play the piano, but want to take up lessons again.
Job title: Marketing and Events Coordinator.
Kids: Yes, I would like some…someday.
Live: San Diego, CA.
Mother’s Name: Mom
Nicknames: Katiegirl, KatieMac, KMac
Overnight hospital stays: Never! Knock on wood.
Pet peeves: Hypocrites.
Quote from a movie or tv show: Oh I can’t pick just one. I quote my favorites often, so I’m sure you’ll get plenty of that.
Right or Lefty: Right.
Siblings: 3 Brothers. 2 Older. 1 Younger. (It’s super fun to bring guys home to meet the fam)
Time you wake up: Ooo I’m an earlybird…the obnoxious kind that occasionally gets up at 4:30am to workout.
Underwear: Victoria’s Secret Lacie Line.
Vegetable you hate: Peas. Oh, and mushrooms are not my favorite.
What makes you run late: I hate to be late. It gives me anxiety.
X-Rays You’ve Had: Do my teeth count?
Yummy food you make: I love to bake and recently started loving to cook, so I’ll be sharing plenty of my yummy food here.
Zoo Animal: Toucans..they’re at the zoo right? I haven’t been in awhile.